Roman Way - Stage 1
from La Verna to Pieve Santo Stefano
From: La Verna (Arezzo)
To: Pieve Santo Stefano (Arezzo)
Distance: 14,9 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayMediumLa VernaPieve Santo Stefano
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Roman Way - Stage 2
from Pieve Santo Stefano to Sansepolcro
From: Pieve Santo Stefano (Arezzo)
To: Sansepolcro (Arezzo)
Distance: 35,17 Km
Difficulty: very challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingPieve Santo StefanoSansepolcro
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Roman Way - Stage 3
from Sansepolcro to Citerna
From: Sansepolcro (Arezzo)
To: Citerna
Distance: 12,17 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayEasyCiternaSansepolcro
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Roman Way - Stage 4
from Citerna to Città di Castello
From: Citerna
To: Città di Castello
Distance: 19,9 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayMediumCiternaCittà di Castello
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Roman Way - Stage 5
from Città di Castello to Pietralunga
From: Città di Castello
To: Pietralunga
Distance: 29,535 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingCittà di CastelloPietralunga
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Roman Way - Stage 6
from Pietralunga to Gubbio
From: Pietralunga
To: Gubbio
Distance: 26,145 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayMediumGubbioPietralunga
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Roman Way - Stage 7
from Gubbio to Valfabbrica
From: Gubbio
To: Valfabbrica
Distance: 38 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingGubbioValfabbrica
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Roman Way - Stage 8
from Valfabbrica to Assisi
From: Valfabbrica
To: Assisi
Distance: 13,46 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayEasyAssisiValfabbrica
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Roman Way - Alternative route through Perugia - Stage 8A
from Valfabbrica to Perugia
Form: Valfabbrica
To: Perugia
Distance: 29,2 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingPerugiaValfabbrica
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Roman Way - Alternative route through Perugia - Stage 8B
from Perugia to Assisi
From: Perugia
To: Assisi
Distance: 25,37 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayMediumAssisiPerugia
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Roman Way - Stage 9
from Assisi to Foligno
From: Assisi
To: Foligno
Distance: 19,345 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayEasyAssisiFoligno
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Roman Way - Stage 9A (hiking)
from Assisi to Foligno
From: Assisi
To: Foligno
Distance: 22,25 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingAssisiFoligno
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Roman Way - Stage 10
from Foligno to Trevi
From: Foligno
To: Trevi
Distance: 12,448 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayMediumFolignoTrevi
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Roman Way - Stage 11
from Trevi to Poreta
From: Trevi
To: Poreta
Distance: 12,075 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayMediumPoretaTrevi
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Roman Way - Stage 12
from Poreta to Spoleto
From: Poreta
To: Spoleto
Distance: 15,55 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayMediumPoretaSpoleto
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Roman Way - Stage 13
from Spoleto to Ceselli
From: Spoleto
To: Ceselli
Distance: 16,24 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingCeselliSpoleto
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Roman Way - Stage 14
from Ceselli to Arrone
From: Ceselli
To: Arrone
Distance: 14,635 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayEasyArroneCeselli
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Roman Way - Stage 15
from Arrone to Piediluco
From: Arrone
To: Piediluco
Distance: 12,987 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayEasyArronePiediluco
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Roman Way - Alternative route through Terni - Stage 15A
from Arrone to Terni
From: Arrone
To: Terni
Distance: 15,7 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayMediumArroneTerni
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Roman Way - Alternative route through Terni - Stage 15B
from Terni to Greccio
From: Terni
To: Greccio
Distance: 21,925 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingGreccioTerni
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Roman Way - Alternative route through Terni - Stage 15C
from Greccio to Rieti
From: Greccio
To: Rieti
Distance: 23,45 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingGreccioRieti
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Roman Way - Stage 16
from Piediluco to Poggio Bustone
From: Piediluco
To: Poggio Bustone
Distance: 22,041 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingPiedilucoPoggio Bustone
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Roman Way - Stage 17
from Poggio Bustone to Rieti
From: Poggio Bustone
To: Rieti
Distance: 17,794 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayMediumPoggio BustoneRieti
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Roman Way - Stage 18
from Rieti to Poggio San Lorenzo
From: Rieti
To: Poggio San Lorenzo
Distance: 21,815 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingPoggio San LorenzoRieti
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Roman Way - Stage 19
from Poggio San Lorenzo to Ponticelli di Scandriglia
From: Poggio San Lorenzo
To: Ponticelli di Scandriglia
Distance: 20,41 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingPoggio San LorenzoPonticelli di Scandriglia
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Roman Way - Stage 20
from Ponticelli di Scandriglia to Monterotondo
From: Ponticelli di Scandriglia
To: Monterotondo
Distance: 28,885 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingMonterotondoPonticelli di Scandriglia
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Roman Way - Stage 20A
alternative route to Farfa
From: Ponticelli di Scandriglia
To: Acquaviva di Nerola
Distance: 26,265 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingFarfa
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Roman Way - Stage 21
from Monterotondo to Monte Sacro
From: Monterotondo
To: Monte Sacro
Distance: 18,05 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayEasyMonte SacroMonterotondo
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Roman Way - Stage 22
Rome: from Monte Sacro to San Pietro
From: Monte Sacro
To: San Pietro
Distance: 15,21 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayEasyMonte SacroRoma
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